Part 3 - The Greatest Solution Defined: Christ For Righteousness

The solution to this problem is the greatest solution in the universe. Because the problem has eternal consequences, so the solution has eternal blessings. As the greatest problem in the universe comes from God's unwavering dedication to His holiness and love, so the greatest solution in the universe comes from God's unwavering dedication to His holiness and love. How can you be saved from God's holiness? What is the greatest solution in the universe?


The Gospel is the Way planned by God and accomplished by God to pay the fine of your sins, or to pardon you of your guilt, a Way to declare to you, "You are innocent of every sin, and every degree of sinning, forever," and may be reunited to God and satisfied in God through faith in Jesus Christ - God's provision for you.

So let's state the Way and explain the Way:

The Way is the Gift of God's Son, JESUS CHRIST!

Jesus, by the grace of God, willingly steps in between you and the bullet of God's wrath. If you woke up this morning and you have not believed in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you should take note of God's extreme kindness towards you, and ask yourself right now, why did God not just take you and judge you right now in your sins, and the answer is, "because God desires to save you, and in patience, holds back wrath so that you may know His love in the form of Jesus Christ."

The only way that anyone can be saved from God is by ...God. God is the only one who lives up to His standards. God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, God of very God to be a substitute for you on the cross.

Read carefully here: What God has done is send His Son, Jesus, into the world to save the world. How? Jesus lived a sinless life. His whole desire was to honor God all the time, every second, and He did. He perfectly kept God's Law for us. He alone glorified God! He supremely glorified God on the cross. I wrote that the greatest problem and the greatest solution in the universe came from God's unwavering dedication to His holiness and love! Therefore, view the cross:

On the cross, God poured out the fullness of His wrath, fury, and HOLINESS against our sin, on His sinless Son, Jesus. If we had viewed it by being present, we would have viewed with certainty the judgment of God against our sin carried out upon His perfect Son, Jesus. AND we would have viewed God's LOVE for Himself and for sinners. GOD'S HOLINESS WAS SATISFIED BY THE SACRIFICE OF JESUS, HIS SINLESS SON. GOD'S LOVE IS NOW OFFERED TO YOU, THE SINNER. And the OFFERING is graciously given when you BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST, THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB OF GOD. Listen to this substitution closely and consider:

"For our sake He (God) made Him (Jesus) to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him (Jesus) we (sinners) might become the righteousness of God," 2 Corinthians 5:21.

Is this not the greatest solution in the universe, indeed, the greatest news?! You have a righteousness problem. Problem solved! God laid your sin upon His sinless Son, so that when you believe the truth as it is in Jesus and His work in your place, God gives you Jesus' righteousness, the very righteousness of God - and this you must have if you will be saved from God's holy wrath! So it is that God saves you from God by the gift of His Son, Jesus, and Jesus' righteousness!

"The Son of Man (Jesus) must be lifted up (on the cross), that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life,"

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life,"

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life"

"For Christ also died, once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God,"

John 3:15, 16, 36, and 1 Peter 3:18, respectively.

Pardon, innocency, righteousness, eternal life and reunion with God! These and much more, God gives to you when you believe in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and Desire.

But there is more! Not only did Jesus die on the cross as your sin-bearing substitute, but Jesus also rose from the dead as your God-approved Lord and Savior. The truth that God raised Jesus up from the dead proves that Jesus was a perfect and spotless sacrifice for sin. If He had not been raised, then He would not have been an acceptable sacrifice for sin. The fact that God raised Him up gives you the absolute assurance that Jesus perfectly satisfied God's holiness by perfectly paying for your sin on the cross and now He is Lord of all, having overcome sin, Satan, death, and hell for you by His righteousness when you believe the truth in Him and His work on your behalf.

Please do not be fooled. You cannot save yourself by your own good works. Every religion in the world is based upon what you can do for a higher being. Biblical Christianity, the Gospel, the True God, Jesus Christ says, it is not what you can do that merits anything with a Holy God, but what Jesus has already done for you that makes you pleasing to God. Understand this truth: you are not saved by works, but by faith in Jesus who alone has satisfied God. When you believe in Him, God imputes (gives to your account) to you the sinless record of His Son, Jesus. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because by faith in Jesus, they are given His righteousness. Amazing!

If the fear of your heart, right now, concerns the reality of sin, consequence, eternity, and God's unwavering holiness, then cast off all of your self-efforts for salvation - they do not measure up to God's standard. If the desire

of your heart, right now, is to be saved from God's judgment, then believe in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, your righteousness! Faith alone in Jesus alone saves you!

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved," Romans 10:9-10.

If the desire of your heart is to be saved, faith is not too difficult a thing for you to do. Out of the overflow of your heart, your mouth will speak. Therefore, confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and the Bible says, "you will be saved." This involves two things: repentance from your way of sin and faith in God's Way of righteousness, Jesus Christ. You must confess to God that you are a sinner, that you need saving, and that you know that Jesus is that salvation. In response to your desire and faith you might pray something like the following,

Lord Jesus, I am a sinner; thank You for dying in my place for my sins; thank you for raising from the dead to give me new life; I desire to turn from my sin and follow you; please help me to live for you. I confess that You are Lord and I believe that You arose from the dead as a satisfying sacrifice to God in my place; thank You! Thank You for being my right standing before God and my only hope of salvation. Help me to grow in You and to know You more intimately every day. Lord Jesus, thank You for saving me! Thank you for being my righteousness and for giving me eternal life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

If you have prayed this prayer as a response to your faith in Jesus Christ, God has not only given you His righteousness but also eternal life. You are no longer separated from God but reunited to God through faith in Jesus. That is what Jesus has done for you - brought you to God, given you relationship and fellowship with Him. God is the greatest joy in the universe. Through your faith in Jesus, you can rightly glorify God by enjoying Him forever. This is the great goal of what Jesus has done for you!

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